Le vécu est la matière brute de ma pratique. Le processus de création le façonne, le retravaille. J’utilise la photographie, la vidéo et l’écriture pour explorer des thèmes liés à mon identité en tant que femme déracinée. À travers le récit de ma propre histoire familiale, je cherche à comprendre comment se vit et se définit le déracinement. Des questions aussi diverses que la migration, la possession ou la non-possession d’une identité sociale, culturelle et linguistique, la patrie, le poids du passé et la mémoire – qu’elle soit réelle, inventée, recrée ou collective – sont au cœur de ma recherche.
Lived experiences are the raw material that fuel Lee’s practice. She uses photography, video and writing to explore themes linked to her identity as an uprooted woman. In telling the story of her own family history, Lee seeks to understand how being uprooted is lived and defined. Her investigation is guided by core questions such as migration, the possession or non-possession of a social, cultural and linguistic identity, homeland, the burden of the past and memory—whether real, invented, recreated or collective. Lee, who was born in France and moved to Canada in 2012, traces her origin in Korea, while both her parents and family were Korean residents in Japan in their early years, she identifies herself as of Zainichi Korean (Korean residing in Japan) descent.