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La femme maison (2010)


j’ai décidé de te bâtir une maison

ce sera un endroit pour dormir, manger et grandir

tu y seras protégée

DEUX mon corps ne cesse de se transformer

un être étranger m’a envahie

dans la nuit profonde, toutes les peurs, toute la noirceur du monde remontent à la surface

je ne peux plus rien contrôler

est-ce que je serai une bonne mère ?


je sais pourtant que ton arrivée approche

j’ai hâte de te rencontrer, de t’entendre respirer, de te toucher,

de t’aimer

2015, FOFA Gallery, (3-person exhibition), Montreal, Quebec

2010, Brighton Photo Fringe 2010, Unexpected (Group Show), Brighton, UK

The artist's transformation from body to house reconsiders the physical and emotional concepts of the home. Lee explores the intersection of body and space and the unavoidable loss of bodily control, hinting at surrealist themes. Meanwhile, she is interested in accompanying emotions of fear- fear of regretting, anxiety, and not feeling up to it- which emerge with physical transformation. Her body becomes both aware and frighteningly unaware of itself.

However, Lee also thrives off of the process of waiting, uncertainty, and doubt, revealing a sense of inner-strength.

La femme maison represents the rebuilding of a home, both an individual and collective undertaking, from foundation to roof, where one can grow, face challenges, or happily sing along.

Interview with DragonRootMedia here


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